Finally, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhasker and Shikha Talsania’s Veere Di Wedding has hit theatres. The film was one of the most awaited films of the year as it Kareena was to return to the screen after two years. Directed by Shashanka Ghosh and produced by Ekta Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor and Nikhil Dwivedi, the film’s trailer also grabbed a lot of eyeballs thanks to the discussions between the four leading ladies. The makers throughout maintained that Veere Di Wedding isn’t a chick flick. So does Veere Di Wedding impress and deserve a watch this weekend? Read reviews of leading publications to find out!
BollywoodLife in their review said, “Veere Di Wedding looks fresh and the production values haven’t been compromised at any level. It is a good looking film with an interesting ensemble of actors. Kareena Kapoor Khan leads the pack being the most senior, and her Kalindi act is definitely one of the major highlights of the film. She lights up the frame in every scene reminding us how much we miss her at the movies. There are several jokes and one-liners written keeping the female audience in mind. Veere does push the envelope and takes the risk of going into a direction a lot of filmmakers would be hesitant to dive into. The makers have also made the sexual commentary and jokes feel organic and not forced.
According to Times Of India’s review, “Four friends dealing with life, love, marriage and heartbreak isn’t unheard of concept. But what makes ‘Veere Di Wedding’ a unique prospect is that here the pack of performers is led by four ladies who make their choices, stand by them and have the guts to live their life they want. There’s nothing holding back these gutsy girls.The best part of Director’s Shashanka Ghosh’s ‘Veere Di Wedding’ is the vibe that these veeres share and their conversational chemistry. They are like any four millennial girls who live their life carefree. ”
Masala’s review of the film stated, “Veere di Wedding does show a few things that not many Hindi films have done before. Sonam’s Avni, driven by emotions and hormones, has a one night stand. Unlike Anjana Anjani, where Priyanka’s character chickens out last moment, Avni does it. Thankfully, it is unapologetic, without ever slut shaming her. And that’s an achievement for us who have always presented our heroines as sati savitri, preserving their virginity for their pati parmeshwar. If they don’t, they are tagged immoral and loose. Similarly, when Sakshi tells her parents about an intimate ‘apna haath jagan naath’ moment to her parents, her father laughs and hugs her. Even the subtle setting of an old gay couple, without ever making silly caricatures of them is a progressive depiction. ”
Khaleej Times in their review said, “Veere Di Wedding is more than a chick flick for sure despite the fact that the antics of the four friends and their sartorial choices (come on it’s a Sonam Kapoor film after all) is what keeps us entertained throughout. But there is enough gravitas wherever required and all in all you come out feeling as if you’ve got a peek into each of their respective lives with all its complexities. Veere perfectly balances out the laugh-out-moments with the real life issues each of the characters are grappling with. Nowhere does it sag or go over the top with the emotions.”
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